Twitter seemingly now requires all advertisers to have a verified checkmark

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  • Twitter seemingly now requires all advertisers to have a verified checkmark

As Twitter’s legacy blue check mark system finally comes to an end, the social network’s new paid-for verification system is causing more than a little chaos, with CEO Elon Musk himself stepping in to pay for some celebrities’ verification when they refuse to do so.

However, another little nugget to emerge from the carnage today is that anyone looking to advertise on Twitter will now seemingly have to have a verified account.

Several Twitter users, including social media guru Matt Navarra, have posted screenshots of an email reportedly sent by Twitter, which states that starting from April 21 (today), verified checkmarks are required to continue running ads on the platform.

While Musk has been pushing subscriptions as a core money driver as advertisers fled the platform, it’s clear that Twitter still wants (and needs) advertising dollars. The platform’s top advertisers, those spending $1,000 each month, already receive an official gold check-mark gratis, indicating that they are an official business account.

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