Adobe brings product analytics to its Experience Cloud

Adobe today announced the launch of a new analytics solution for product teams at its Adobe Summit conference in Las Vegas. Dubbed Adobe Product Analytics (because Adobe doesn’t mess around with its products’ names), this new service aims to give product teams access to key metrics into product lifecycles that have typically been siloed within different teams in an organization and had to be procured from data analyst teams. It’s part of Adobe’s Customer Journey Analytics, which is also getting an AI-centric update today.

Nate Smith, Adobe’s director of product marketing for Adobe Analytics, noted over the course of the last few years businesses accelerated their development work and investment into digital products. But now, in this more cost-conscious climate, they are also tasked with continuing to add value, retain customers, and do so efficiently.

“Those teams had mandates to build better products,” he explained. “For a lot of those teams and brands, when they heard that, ‘build better products’ was defined along the lines of make sure people are using this product or this app. Success is consumers using it regularly.” But not that they have these products and digital experiences in market, these companies are waking up to the fact that they can’t live in silos.

What Adobe’s customers want, Smith said, is a better way to understand how their digital products contribute to their revenue. “While you’ve got marketing teams that have traditionally owned the customer and product teams that have traditionally owned the product, there’s been this massive convergence toward who owns the experience? And the answer is: everyone,” said Smith.

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